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Japan, Japan

The "Land of the Rising Sun" is a country where the past meets the future. Japanese culture stretches back millennia, yet has also been quick to adopt and created the latest modern fashions and trends. Japan is often difficult to understand for those educated in the west. It can seem full of contradictions. Many Japanese corporations dominate their industries, yet if you read the financial news it seems like Japan is practically bankrupt. Cities are as modern and high tech as anywhere else, but tumbledown wooden shacks can still be spotted next to glass fronted designer condominiums. Japan has beautiful temples and gardens which are often surrounded by garish signs...

Major landmarks in Japan

Hanedanidandan Park
Nannocho Okujo, Kaizu
21−6 Obaneenmatsugaecho, Komono
Araizeki Ryokuchi Park
大字大野木 山田町, NagoyaNishi Ward
Mitsukan Museum
2 Chome-6 Nakamuracho, Handa
Three State Asuke mansion
Iimori-36 Asukecho, Toyota
Setogura Museum
1−1 Kurashocho, Seto
Okazaki Shihigashi Park Zoo
字大山田-1番地 Kakemachi, Okazaki
Nagashima Spa Land
浦安-333 長島町, Kuwana
Okazaki Park
561−1, Okazaki康生町
4 Chome-2−5 Higashimachi, Tajimi
Nanbanaka Park
556 0011 丁目, 3 Chome-12-3 Nanbanaka, Naniwa Ward, Osaka
Okamotobairin Park
6 Chome-6−8 Okamoto, KobeHigashinada Ward
Nakaichiriyama Rokkosancho, Nada Ward, Kobe
Poaishiosai Park
1丁目 Minatojima, KobeChuo Ward
Kanjinbashijido Park
Kamitoba Kanjinbashicho, Minami Ward, Kyoto
Harvest Hill
2405−1 Hachigamineji, SakaiMinami Ward
Nara National Museum 奈良国立博物館
50, Nara登大路町
Tanezaki Park
Kamino Museum
Tokyo DisneySea
1−13 Maihama, Urayasu
Sangecho Park
135−1 Yamashitacho, YokohamaNaka Ward
Koshigayabairin Park
203 1, Obayashi, Koshigaya
Agariyashiki Park
西池袋2-14-2, Toshima
Arakawa Nishiarai Bridge Green Space
4 Chome Umeda, Adachi
Furukawa Water Park
6 Chome Edogawa
Konakaike Park
1538 Konaka, Oamishirasato
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
8-36 Uenokoen, Taito
National Museum of Western Art
7−7 Uenokoen, Taito
〒362-0021, 2081-20 原市, 上尾市
Takashima Central Park
5丁目-2 Minatomirai, YokohamaNishi Ward
928−1 Noichicho Otani, Konan
6584−1 Kure, Nakatosa
738 大谷, Konan野市町
Shikoku Automobile Museum
896 Noichicho Otani, Konan
Kochi Park
1 Chome-2−1 Marunouchi, Kochi
262−1 Tosayamadacho, Kami
Yokogurayamashizennomori Museum
Hei-737−12 Ochi
4 Chome-14−3 Sanbashidori, Kochi
Tanaka Ryosukekyutei Museum
381 Shibamaki, Kochi