Sorry, but I need to add my state, Tennessee, to my location since there is more than one Johnson City in the US (and it will not recognize the location at all when my state is added THERE. There's not much to say here. That is what getting to know each other is for. And, knowing that I am 68 says quite a bit. I like to travel, but mostly it has been here in the US. AND when younger. Yet, I want to meet a special lady, preferably foreign, and get married after meeting. As a part of that and our honeymoon, I want one grand adventure and trip. Funds may limit my dream trip and wishes though. War or conflicts in parts of the world might also affect where I will go. It could also impact my choices for a potential bride. I realize this site leans more toward travel versus dating and especially if matrimony is included. However, "soulmate" was given as a choice for locating a travelling companion or tour guide/tour partner here. Therefore, logically, it would seem that it IS possible. I am willing to give it a fair chance, make a serious and determined try at it. I really don't have too many hangups about age or even looks. Appearance isn't so important to me. If you think I would pick a wife based on the criteria you consider most typical red-blooded (straight) American males use, you would possibly guess wrong. Because looks is the least important consideration and at the bottom of my list, I don't have an "exact" type or an "ideal" woman. I like what I like. I seem to be attracted to ladies that folks think are too plain or ordinary. I believe I do prefer just the average girl next door. I actually like it if she is just a bit chubby. And who I am attracted to, is who I find attractive. If that makes sense. If there is chemistry, there is attraction. That is enough of a catalyst for love. Then simply put, the woman I love is the most beautiful in the world, or the universe to me. In any case, I appreciate her heart, mind, soul, spirit, and personality highly. I value an easy-going, traditional, good-hearted woman filled with TLC. For her man, her family, other human beings, the world we inhabit, and all God's creatures. I love children. I am perfectly content if she has 1 or 2 kids. Two essential qualities is intelligence and communication, conversation skills. I love to talk (despite being natuarally shy). And write. To remain sane, she must also talk (as well as listen). If the isn't a balance of the two, then one or both of us would be extremely bored or desiring only peace & quiet. I too crave peace, but rarely quiet. Which tends to make our quiet times together so much more special. She absolutely must be a NON-smoker. Not even vaping allowed. I have major problems with narcissists, haters, the use of foul/bad language (cursing) especially by a "lady", rude behavior, and negative attitudes. Fake or plastic people, those who see or think of themselves as "entitled", and anyone who is just plain mean or cruel. Or just evil. We have to be beings of light, hope, and good. Not perfect, but at least trying to be our better selves. And that is what love does. The person right for each of us is someone who makes us better and brings out the best in us. Lifts us up. Not dragging is down. I said all this for y'all to read it, look inside (and a good, long look in the mirror), then truly consider if you are such a person, such a woman. And want this kind of man. Because my trip is not to a place but a person. Where you are is where I will travel to and visit. Yes, we will want to enjoy our travels, adventure, experiences, and of course the honeymoon-related parts of the overall activities, Yet, it is much more important not where we go or what we see or do but the person who we are with. The person by our side then. And for the rest of our lives. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to mention am tend to be partial to either Asian or eastern European women. However, a big part of this partiality is the more traditional values and coming from generally poorer countries. And cultures that have learned how to be happy, to be caring, and to value the most important things in life. I am just more suited to a "poor" girl because we both appreciate our blessings, our determination despite hardships or in defying the odds and staying positive and even knowing how to be happy with what we have & that life brings. In my life I have seen that the more people have, the more they want. And with more comes just striving for more & more. Without ever being satisfied about having "enough". Love isn't enough either. You just get to the point where you think it too can be bought or sold. Without satisfaction, there is little or no happiness or fulfillment. No pride in what you do or have accomplished. No matter what, it's not enough. But for a simple man and simple woman with simple needs, then what we have is enough. It, along with each other and love, is all we need. So, when we do have a little more, it's a blessing. And appreciated. I've seen the rich and the poor. By far, it's the poor that are happy. That even know how to be. And how to make others happy too. So, please don't expect a life of ease & luxury with me. Just a normal, everyday existence that is so worth living. Especially with the person beside you along with friends and family that surround you. Also, more of a country girl than big city woman. A small town or village type. But I do like theatre, cultural places & events, seeing a concert, show, or sporting event. Nature, picnics, parks, and of course the mountains I love. I'm a hopeless romantic. One that never wants my partner, mate, my wife to feel as if I take her for granted. Even in small towns there are places to go and things to do. And a whole wide American country to travel as possible if she is from elsewhere. We probably can't be world travelers, but we can still take trips. Or romantic getaways. And she can be suprides with flowers, candy, little things, dining out of another type night out on the town. It doesn't take riches to be rich or live a rich life. However, it does start with love & caring and takes two. You must have each other. If this describes you, what you want, and who you want to share it with you, if you are real/genuine, serious, sincere, and searching just as I am plus interested, believe you are the right forever tour guide for me, then let's begin by getting to know each other and starting to find out. If we are going in the right direction and together, guide me straight to your heart and to a meeting (and then marriage) with you. So, I can't plan a trip or where I'm going without YOU. We will have to plan it together. That's how we will both learn the details of our "tour" together. This is my trip, then ours, and a tour we do together. The catch is that the tour never ends, We will be on our own trip of life with each other now, then, and always. Please just let me know if you approve, find it & me acceptable, and are truly interested. We have to start somewhere, right? Every journey begins with that first small step. Thanks for reading, your honesty and consideration. Take care, God bless, asnd have a super week. Peace 'n' love!