Chat and travel with fun!
67 years old, Mahilyow, Belarus

About me

Я - путешественница! Самостоятельно путешествую по городам и странам мира. Иногда хотелось бы обратиться за услугой гида. Собираюсь посетить в марте - апреле 2019 года несколько стран: Южную Корею, Японию, Китай, Гонконг, Филлипины. Жду предложений от гидов.
I am a traveler! Independently travel around cities and countries of the world. Sometimes I would like to ask for a guide service. I am going to visit in March - April 2019 several countries: South Korea, Japan, China, Hong Kong, the Philippines. Waiting for suggestions from the guides.

Local guide info

  • Help in choosing a hotel, Photo tours, Shopping, Sightseeing tours, Local cuisine tasting, Coordination of outdoor activities

Just a few more things about me

  • Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
  • I speak: English, Russian
  • I'm looking for: Friends, Adventure
  • Smoker: No
  • Drinking habits: Sometimes
  • Education: University
  • Income: Steady average income
  • Height: 161 cm (5' 03") Weight: 64 kg (141 lb) Build: Slim

I'd like to visit

Visited countries

BelarusRussian FederationPhilippines
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